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BASF Group. Business Segments. Financials. At a Glance. At a Glance. At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We Closer to customers by embedding business-critical parts of the functional units into the divisions. Million €. 2014. 2015. 2016 4%. (4%). 1 Until signing of a transaction agreement, Construction Chemicals will be reported under Surface Technologies ¹ For Wintershall, 2018 figures only include depreciations and amortization for the first three quarters. Introduction. We intend to study the Cauchy problem of a linear evolution equation of in a Banach space X by constructing evolution operator (fundamental solution) of (E) acting a strict solution u, i.e. u €6'((0, T]; X) and A(-)u(-) € 60, T]; X). Chapter A - 付録チャート EZConfig を用いると、スキャナのアップグレードの為にファームウェアをダウンロードしたり、設定済みのパラメー ダウンロードが終了したら、EZConfig-Scanning Setup.exe をダブルクリックしてインストールを開始します。 7. 拡張 ASCII キャラクタ. DEC. HEX. CP 1252. ASCII. 代替拡張. PS2 Scan Code. 128. 80. €. Ç up arrow ↑. 0x48. 129. 81 ü ¼. Control Make. 0x1D. 173. AD. ¡. Control Break. 0x9D. 174. AE. ®. « Alt Sequence with 1 Character. 0x36. 175. AF. ¯. ». »'¼ ½y. 2Te‹§ i €. Á'¤S8bÀp A Àh Ad g ". ÀH‚ 2À "ie–¥C§„ƒ ! © ¾™ ¾1À¿P© ¾1¿'¼¼¡ ¡¼h»$ ¼ ½. " Àz½ TITLE. DOCUMENT RESUME. SP 009 941. Hunsicker, Paul A.; Reiff, Guy G. AAPHER Youth Fitness Test Manual. Revised 1976. Edition. INSTITUTION. American Alliance for'Health, Physical Education, and. Recreation, Washington, D.C.. 19 Mar 2012 http://sec.gov/info/edgar/edgartaxonomies.shtml for a complete listing of supported standard taxonomies. on Forms D, 3, 4, and 5. ○ The maximum size of a submission, including all attached documents, through EDGAR.
Title: é è ±ç ¶æ³ ï¼ R2.5.21ï¼ .xlsx Author: yada Created Date: 5/22/2020 5:11:36 PM